[1] Herevppon, greate feare roſe in the towne, ſpecially among the burgeſſes, but by the diligẽce of certaine perſons that trauelled betweene the parties, an aſſuraunce was taken on eyther ſide for certaine dayes.Hee foreſetteth the Caſtel of Edenburgh. The parties are agreede. In the meane time, the Earle of Angus cauſed the Caſtell to bee forſette, that neyther meate nor other thing might be ſuffered to be conueyed into it, except ſo muche as might ſerue for the ſuſtentation of the Kings owne per|ſon. At length, all the parties were agreed, ſo that the foure and twentith day of February, the King came vnto the Parliament holden in the Tolbuith in moſt honorable wiſe, with the aſ|ſiſtaunce of all the eſtates, hauing the Crowne, Scepter, and ſword borne before him, and from thence hee was broughte to the Abbey, where he remayned.