[1] The next day, being the fourtenth day of Fe|bruarie, the ſaide Earles with the Archbiſhop of Saint Andrewes, the Biſhop of Aberden, that by the Queenes appointment had bin kepte be|fore in warde, the Biſhop of Dunblane, the Erle of Arguile, and diuerſe other Lords and Barons being in the Towne, ſente to the Caſtell, alled|ging, that the King was kepte as priſoner by the Queene,The Earle of Angus his [...]queſt. and iuſtice ſuppreſſed, with great do|mage of the common wealthe, and therefore hee deſired, that the King might bee deliuered vnto them to be gouerned by the aduice of the three e|ſtates, and if they refuſed to deliuer hym, they would beſiege the Caſtel, and if they wanne it, all their liues within ſhold reſt at their pleaſures, the kings only excepted.