[1] The Duke of Albany perceyuing howe the Lordes were deuided amongſt themſelues, and neyther content with his gouernement, nor wil|ling to maynteyne the warres which hee had ſo earneſtly perſwaded for the pleaſure of Fraunce, he declared to them that hee would returne into Fraunce, and ſo taking his leaue of the nobilitie, wente to Stri [...]eling, where the King was, of whome f [...]e tooke len [...]e, alſo giuing vnto hym ſuche louing and faithfull counſell, [...] to hys knowledge ſeemed expedient, and ſo wente into the Weſt Countrey,The Duke of Albany retur|neth into Fraunce. where hee tooke the Seas in September, and ſayled forth into Fraunce.