[1] The ſeuententh of Iuly, the Lord Maxwell, and Sir Alexander Iordeyne,Four thouſand ſaith Hall. with [...] Scottiſhmen in great number, entred England at the [...]eſt marches by Careleſſe, with diſplay|ed [...]nners, and began to h [...]rrie the Countrey,The Lorde Maxwel inua|deth England. and brente diuers places. The Engliſhmen aſ|ſembled on euery ſide, ſo that they were far more in number [...] the Scottiſhmen, and thervpon ſet [...]er [...]y vppon their enimies, in ſo muche, that for the ſpare of an houre, there was a ſore fights continued betwixt them, but the Lord Maxwell like a [...]ghte p [...]litique Captayne (as of all that knewe him hee was no leſſe reputed) ceaſed not to encourage his people, and after that, by the taking of Alexander Iordayne and diuers o|ther, they hadde bin putte backe, hee broughte them in aray againe, and beginning a newe ſkirmiſhe, recouered in a manner all the pri|ſoners, tooke and ſlewe dyuers Engliſhmen, ſo that hee returned with victorie, and ledde aboue three hundred priſoners with hym home into Scotlande.