[1] The fifth of Iuly, Sir William Fenwicke, Leonarde Muſgraue, and Baſterde Heron, with diuers other, to the number of nine hun|dred Engliſhmenne, entred into the [...],Engliſhmen inuade Scot|lande. and began to ſpoyle and ro [...] the Countrey, but they were ſhortly [...]omp [...]ſſed about with Scot|tiſhmen, and ſo hardly aſſayled, that although they fought baliantly a good [...], yet by [...] force they were compelle [...] giue gro [...]e, and ſeeke to ſaue themſelues by flight, in whiche,Engliſhmen diſcomfited. Baſterd Hero [...] ſlayne. a two hundred of them were taken priſoners, and Baſterd Hero [...] with diues b [...]e [...] ſlayne.