[1] [...] England.On Trinitie Sonday, beeing the one and twentith of May, a fiue hundred Scottes [...]|tred Englande, to ſurpriſe the Engliſhe [...]er|chantes, and others, going that daye vnto [...]|wike, where yearely on that daye the fayre [...] kept, and ſo by reaſon thereof, they met with dy|uers of them that went to this fayre, and tooke to the number of two hundred priſoners, whome they ledde with them into Scotlande, but Ha [...] ſayeth, that by the comming of the yong Lorde of Fulbery to the ſuccours of the Engliſhmen, the Scottes were chaſed, and loſt two hundred of their numbers.