[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] In the moneth of October next enſuing, there were three Ambaſſadors ſent into England, ac|cording to the agreemente in the laſt treatie, but there were ſo hard and extreame conditions pro|poned on the King of Englands behalfe, that the ſame could not be accepted, as being contrary to the honour & weale of ye Realme of Scotlande, as the Scottiſhmẽ toke the matter. And ſo thoſe Ambaſſadors returned, withoute agreemente or concluſion of peace, wherevppon folowed greater trouble betwixte them of the borders of bothe Realmes.The Earle of Northumber|land made Lord Warden. The Earle of Northumberland was made Warden of the whole marches, but ſhort|ly after, he began to make ſute to bee diſcharged of that office, and ceaſſed not [...] he obteyned,

The Earle of Surrey.

The Lorde Marques Dor|ſet.

The Lorde Dacres.

and then was the Earle of Surrey [...] generall [...] the Lorde Marques Dorſet, wa [...] of the Eaſt and middle marches, the Lord Dac|res continuing all in his [...] of [...] ouer the Weſt marches. Aboute the ſixth day of Marth, the ſayd Lordes came to the borders a|bout which time, the Duke of [...]lbany cõ [...]ing that the wardes betwixte Scotlande and Eng|land were yrkeſome to the [...] of the Realme, bycauſe the ſame warres were th [...] in hands, chiefly to ſerue the Frenche Kings turne, there|fore he paſt by the Weſt Seas into France,

The Duke of Albany goeth ouer into Fraunce.

H [...]s requeſt.

and in the beginning of March where he was eyghts hartily and gladly receyued of the King, his re|queſt was only to haue fiue thouſand horſemen, and ten M. footemen of Almaynes, to bee tranſ|ported into Scotlande, and doubted [...], if hee mighte haue this graunted,His vayne bragge. but that with that power, and the aſſiſtance of the Scottes, he ſhuld be able to ouerthrow the K. of England in bat|tel, or elſe to driue him out of his Realme. But the French K. neyther beliued this vayne brag [...] nor yet myghte ſpare anye ſaid power, hauyng warre at that time both agaynſt Englande, and the Emperoure, neuertheleſſe, he promiſed hym ſome ayde,1523 wherevpon the Duke abode & way|ted for the ſame a long ſeaſon. In the meane while, the Lordes of Scotland cauſed certayne noble men to lie vppon the borders monethly in defence of the ſame againſt the Engliſhmẽ,The borders watched. day|ly looking for ſupport from Fraunce. Euery cõ|pany remayned their monethes, and then depar|ted home as the cuſtome is, and thus they conti|nued ſtill till September following. Much hurt was done on eyther part, and diuers houſes were ouerthrowen and deſtroyed both in Englande & Scotland. During whiche time, the King of Fraunce prepared certayne ſhippes, with men, and munition, to paſſe with the Duke of Alba|ny into Scotland, but the King of England to catch him by the way, had layde a greate nauie of Shippes in the paſe on the Seas, as he ſhould make his courſe: but the Duke embarquing him ſelfe with his people at Breſt in Britayne,The Duke of Albany retur|neth into Scotlande. ſay|led by the Weſt parts of Englande, and the one and twentith of September, landed at Ki [...]|kowbre in the Weſt partes of Scotlande: hee broughte with hym beſide a good number of Frenchmen, Richard de la Poole, a man of great parentage, borne in England, and baniſhed hym Countrey. Whileſt the Duke was on the ſea, making ſayle towarde Scotlande, the Earle of Surrey, with an army of twentye M. men, en|tred Scotlande, and comming to Edenburgh,The Earle of Surrey inua|deth Scotland brenned the Towne and the Abbey. It was thought they meant to haue paſſed further, but the Scottiſhmen aſſembling themſelues againſt [page 434] theyr inuaſions, they were conſtreyned to re|turne with loſſe (as ſome Scottiſhmẽ haue writ|ten.) The D. immediately after his ariual came to Edenburgh, where he cauſed all the Lords of the Realme to aſſemble in that towne, where he declared the great loue and affection that the K. of Fraunce here to the Realme of Scotlande, in ſo muche, as hearing of the ſlaughters, mur|thers, and brennings, practiſed by the Engliſh|men, he thought that he felt the ſame done vnto him, reputing himſelfe one of their members, and for reuenging thereof, he woulde be partner with them as their member, for more credite whereof, he ſhewed the Kings letter, confirming his declaration. Hee therefore exhorted them to aſſemble an armie, in reuenge of iniuries and wrongs done to them and their Countrey, for he had brought with him money, men, and artille|rie, to the furtherance thereof. Herevpon it was concluded, yt the army ſhould aſſemble at Dow|glas dale the eyghtenth of October, the whyche concluſion they kept, & from thence they marched to Caldſtreame vpon Twede, and ſent ouer the water certayne of their greate artillerie, with a company of frenchmen and Scottes, by ye guy|ding of Dauid Car, and bring got ouer,Dauid Car. Warke Caſtell beſieged. they lay ſiege to the Caſtel of Warke, which was kept by ſir Wil. Liſte Captaine therof, hauing with him a ſtrong garriſon of Engliſhe ſouldiers, & greate prouiſion of artillerie, and all things neceſſarie, yet at the firſte aſſault, the vtter Barnekin was wonne, and the ſaide company of Scottiſhmen and frenchmẽ lay within the ſame, endoenaging the Caſtell in all they mighte.

The Earle of Surrey with an army of fortie thou|ſand men.

The marques Dorſet ap|poynted to kepe Barwike.

The Earle of Surrey and diuers other of the Engliſh nobili|tie, with an army of fortie thouſande men, were at Anwyke, not farre diſtante from Warke, and the Marques Dorſet was ſente with a greate companye to keepe the Towne of Barwike, for doubt leaſt the ſame ſhuld haue bin beſieged. Alſo in the meane time, a newe aſſaulte was made to the inner barnekin of Warke, and the ſame won likewiſe as the other had bin before. After thys, was the Caſtell aſſayled, and parte of it beaten downe with the artillerie lying on the Scottiſh ſide of the war [...]e of Twede. At which breach,Warke aſ|ſaulted. the aſſault was giuen, and the ſame continued, till that through mirknes and lacke of lighte, the aſ|ſaylants [figure appears here on page 434] were driuen to retire.