[1] The thirtie day of Aprill, the Larde of Wed|derborne, and Maiſter William Dowglas, newly made Prior of Coldingham, with theyr partakers in greate number, came to Edenburgh to ayde the Erle of Angus, who was within the Towne agaynſte the Earle of Arrane and the Chancellor, who were alſo there. But nowe by the comming of theſe ſuccours, whiche entred by force at the neather bowe, and ſlewe the Maiſter of Mountgomery, and Sir Patrick Hamilton Knighte, the Earle of Arrane, and the Chancel|lor, were conſtreyned to forſake the Towne, and to paſſe through the North loch.