[1] In Ianuary, about the keeping of a Courte at Iedworth,


Variance be|twixt the Erle of Angus, and the Lord of Ferni [...]rſt.

there was reiſing of people be|twixte the Earle of Angus on the one part, and the Lorde of Fernihurſt, in whoſe ayde, Iames Hamilton came with foure hundred Mers men, but the Lorde of Seſſeforde then Warden, aſſi|ſting the Erle of Angus his part, met Hamilton at Kelſo with a greate company, and when they were light a foote, and ſhoulde haue foughten, the Mers men left ſir Iames Hamilton in al ye dan|ger, with a fewe of his owne men about him, ſo that with muche payne he was horſed, and eſca|ped in greate daunger vnto Hume, with loſſe of foure of his ſeruantes which were ſlayne, and on the other parte, there was an Engliſhman ſlayne called Raufe Car, that came in aide of the War|den. On the morrowe after, the Larde of Ferni|hurſt, as Bayly to the Earle of Arrane, of that regalitie helde his Court at the principall place of the forreſt of Iedburgh, and the Earle himſelfe helde his Courte likewiſe in an other parte of the ſame lande three miles diſtant from the other.