[1] The cauſe of [...]tred be|twixt the Queene and [...] husband.About the beginning of Auguſt, the Queene remayning in Edenburgh, vnderſtoode that the Erle of Angus hir huſband as then ſoiourning in Dowglas Dale, had taken a faire gentlewoman in thoſe partes, and kept hir as his concubine, for the which acte ſhe conceyued ſuch hatred againſte him, that there was neuer no perfect loue betwixt them aftewards. In the beginning of Februarie, there came a Clearke as Ambaſſador from the Frenche King with letters, concerning the con|cluding of the truce betwixt Scotland and Eng|land; whiche meſſage the Lords made ſmall ac|count of, bycauſe the king had omitted to com|prehend Scotlande in the league which he laſtly made with England.