[1] 1518The Erle of Lenox, who had bin with ye go|uernor in France, returned home into Scotland, and with him came a Frenche Heralt from the king with letters, and maſter Walter Stewarde Abbot of Glenluce came likewiſe from ye gouer|noure.The Abbot of Glenluce And about that time, bycauſe the Queene and Lords were aduertiſed that the French king had contracted newe bandes of peace and amitie with the king of England, without making mẽ|tion of Scotlande, they thought themſelues euill vſed, being his confederate friends,The Scots euil vſed at the French kings hands. and therevpon ſent ſharp letters to the King of Fraunce, and to the gouernour, by Albany the Herralde.