[1] [2] Moreouer, for due puniſhmente of the murder of the foreſayd De la Bautie, A Parlament called. there was a Parlia|ment called the ninetenth of February nexte, in ye which, Dauid Hume Lard of Wedderborne, & his three brethrẽ, William Cokborne and Iohn Hume, with diuers other their partakers,The Lard of Wedderborne indited. were indited for the beſieging of the Caſtell of Laugh|ton, the ſlaughter of Monſier de la Bautie, and for the ſetting vp of his head, intercomuning with the Engliſhmen, and diuers other miſdoings. Im|mediately after the end of this Parliamente, the Erle of Arrane came into the Mers,The Erle of Arrane com|meth into the Mers. with a great Army, and hauing with him the kings great Ar|tillerie, meante to haue beſieged ſuche places, as wold haue reſiſted him. But at his being in Lon|der, the keyes of ye Caſtell of Hume were brought vnto him, which on the next morow he receyued, and put men within it to keepe it as hee did in Laughton and Wedderborne, which he receyued at the ſame time.The maſter of Hales. The maſter of Hales was alſo ſought for at that time, that hee mighte haue bin apprehended to anſwere the ſlaughter of Dauid Hume, Prior of Coldingham, whome hee had [page 429] ſlayne trayterouſly. A little before this Parlia|mente, the Biſhop of Dunkeld was returned frõ ye French King with a bande of ye league renued betwixt Scotland and France.The band of league be|twixt Scotlãd and France. Captayne Mores. And at that ſame time, was one Captayne Mores a Frenchman ſent foorth of France, with a certayne number of men, to receyue the Caſtell of Dunbar into hys keeping, which accordingly he did, ye ſame beeing deliuered vnto him.