[2] In the moneth of September,The Lorde Hume, and other
areſted, and cõmitted to warde. the gouernour commaunded the Lord
Hume, with his brother Maiſter William Hume, & Dauid Kar of Fer|nihurſt
to be arreſted and beſtowed in ſeuerall places, that better rule mighte be kept
vpon the bordures, but they lying nowe in warde, ſundry informations were giuen
vp againſt them, and therevpon the eyght of October, the ſaide Lorde Hume and
his brother were conuict of Treaſon, for aſſiſting and mainteyning of the
theeues vpõ the bordures, and other crimes, for the whiche, he was beheaded,
and on the morrow after,The Lorde Hume be|headed. his
bro|ther ye foreſaid William Hume was likewiſe be|headed, and their heads were
ſet vpon the Tol|buith
[figure appears here on page 427] in Edenburgh: Dauid Kar was
ſpared. And ſhortly after, the Duke rode to Iedworth with a greate company of
men, and ſtayed the greate robbing and reauing which had bin vſed on the bordures,
The Duke of Albany viſi|teth the bor|dures. Another Par|liament. The Duke of Albany ſecond perſon of the Realme.