[1] All this while,The Parlia|ment began agayne. the Parliament was not diſ|ſolued but vpon prorogation, and ſo the ſame be|gan agayne the firſt day of Iuly, at what tyme the king of Englande, at requeſt of his ſiſter the Queene of Scotland,The king of Englands let|ters to the Lords. wrote letters to the Lords now aſſembled in Parliament, requeſting them to expell the gouernor foorth of the Realme, but all the Lordes and eſtates with vniuerſall con|ſente, ſente Albany the Heralde with letters to the ſayd King, excuſing them, that they myghte not in any wiſe ſatiſfie his deſire therein, the ſame beeing againſte reaſon and the lawes of theyr countrey.