[1] The mariage of the Queene mother.This yeare the .vj. of Auguſt, the Queene maried Archebald Dowglas Erle of Angus, and immediately after in Saint Iohns towne tooke the great Seale from the biſhop of Glaſgew that was Chancellor of the realme.The great ſeal taken from the Biſhop of Glaſgew. Wherevpon the ſayde Byſhoppe got him to Edenbourgh, where many Lords aſſyſted him, & kept out the Queene and hir new huſbande, ſo that they might not en|ter there, whereof greate diſcorde roſe within the Realme amongeſt the Nobles and Peeres of the ſame.