[1] To reherſe the troubles and great diſquietneſſe that chaunced during the minoritie of this king,The great diſ|quietnes raig|ning in Scot|land during the minoritie of Iames the fifth. through lack of due adminiſtration of Iuſtice, & by diſcord and variance dayly riſing amongſt the Lords & Peeres of the realme, a man might haue iuſt cauſe greatly to wonder therat, & in waying the ſame througly, no leſſe lament the oppreſſion done to the poore commons in that wicked and moſt miſerable time when iuſtice ſeemed to ſleep, and rapine with all the other ſortes and rabble of iniurious violence inuaded hir emptie ſeate, tri|umphing ouer all as a conquerour.