[1] All theft, reife, murther, and robberie ceaſſed in his dayes, by ſuch rygorous execution of lawes penall as he cauſed to bee exercyſed through all the boundes of Scotlande:The ſauage people refor|med them|ſelues. Inſomuche that the ſauage people of the oute Iles ſorted themſelues through terror and dreade of due puniſhment to [page 423] liue after the order of lawes and Iuſtice, where otherwiſe of themſelues they are naturally incly|ned to ſedition and diſquieting of eche other. To conclude, men were in great hope, that if it had pleaſed the high determinate purpoſe of almigh|tie God to haue lente to him longer lyfe, hee ſhoulde haue brought the Realme of Scotlande to ſuche a flouriſhing eſtate, as the lyke in none of hys Predeceſſours tymes was yet euer heard of.