[1] But now to returne to the truth of the matter where we left. In the night following after this terrible battaile,The Scottiſh men returne home againe. the reſidue of the Scottiſh armie returned homewardes the ſame way they came, waſting & ſpoyling the Engliſh borders as they paſſed. At their comming home,They were re|uiled of theyr owne people. euery man ſpake euil of thẽ, for that as cowards & naughtie perſõs, they neyther ſought to reuenge the death of their noble king, nor yet to ſuccor their felowes yt were beaten downe and ſlaine before their faces. But namely Alexander Hume Lorde Chamberlaine was reproued, as cauſe of all that miſchiefe, which behaued himſelfe not as a captaine, but as a tray|tor or enimie to his countrey.