[1] [2] The Lorde Chamberlaine beareth the blame.Howbeit the Lorde Chamberlaine bare the moſt blame, for that he did not cauſe a new onſet to be giuen. But it happened well for the Eng|liſh men: for if king Iames had ordered himſelfe wiſely in this battaile, or that after he was ſlain, a newe furie had moued the Scottes to haue re|nued the fight in reuenge of the kings death, as had beene expedient, the victorie vndoubtedly had beene theirs (as was thought by men of great vn|derſtanding.The Engliſh men thanked God for this noble victorie.) Wherevpon the Engliſh men re|membring howe manifeſtly Gods goodneſſe ap|peared towards thẽ in this battail, cõfeſſed them|ſelues long after bounde to God for their ſafetie and deliuerance out of that preſent danger. The fight began about foure of the clocke in the after noone, and cõtinued three houres, in the which .xv.15000. men ſlaine. M. men were ſlaine on both partes: and of that nũber a third part at the leaſt was of Engliſhmẽ, (as was credibly reported) but (as our Engliſhe writers affyrme) there died of Engliſh men not paſt .xv. hundred, but yet the Scottiſh men holde, that there died more of the Engliſh men than of their nation at this field, and that many thought it was not the bodye of King Iames whiche the Engliſhmen found in the field and toke it for his, but rather an other Scottiſh mans corps, called the Laird of Bonehard, who was alſo ſlain there. And it was affyrmed by ſundry, that the K. was ſeene the ſame night aliue at Kelſo: and ſo it was commonly thought that he was liuing lõg after, and that he paſſed the ſeas into other Countreys, namely to Ieruſalem to viſite the holy ſepulchre, and ſo to driue forth the reſidue of his days, in do|ing penance for his former paſſed offences: but he appeared not in Scotland after as king, no more than Charles Duke of Burgoine did appeare in his coũtreys after the battail of Nancie, although his people had the like vaine opinion that he eſca|ped from that diſcomfiture aliue.