[1] The Lorde Chamberlaine ſtood ſtill.The other part of the Scottiſh hoſt, whereof Alexander Hume Lorde Chamberlaine had the gouernaunce, although he ſawe where the other Scottiſhmen were in daunger and cloſed in on e|uery ſide, yet would he not once remoue one foote forwarde out of the place (where he ſtood) to ayde them. Moreouer the lack of diſcretion in the king which would needes runne vpon his owne death, amazed the mindes of all men, and brought them into ſuch a perplexitie, that they knewe not what to do, but looked one vpon another without ſtyr|ring to or fro, as thoſe that were in dyſpayre now after the death of their king to recouer the victorie, which by ſo ſtrange a chaunce, ſeemed as it were ſlipped out of their handes.