[1] [2] [3] [4] King Iames perceyuing the Engliſh men to paſſe the water, iudged that they had ment to winne an hill that lay betwixt them & his campe, and therefore to preuent them,The Scottes campe remo|ued alſo. he cauſed his fielde to be rayſed, and fire to be ſet on theyr litter and cabans, which they had made of boughes, and ſo with all ſpeed remoued to the other hill being got|ten thither ere the Engliſhe men coulde perceyue him to be remoued out of his former lodgings bi|cauſe the ſmoke of the fiers which the Scots had made, couered all the countrey betwixt the two armies.Aduauntage gotten by the grounde. In the meane while were the Engliſhmẽ aduaunced to the foote of Floddon hill, hauing thereby gotten double aduauntage: for the Scot|tiſh ordynance coulde not muche annoy them in marching vpwards vnder the leuell thereof, and they again might gall the Scots in ſhooting of at them, as they came downwardes vpon them.King Iames his practiſe. For king Iames hauing diſappoynted the Engliſh men of the hill, thought verily it ſhould be an eaſie matter for him to ouerthrow them, which being put beſide the place where they intended (as hee thought) to haue camped, would neuer abyde the countenance of his puiſſant armie, if be might at|taine to ioyne with them. Therefore the Scottiſh armie making downwards, encountred with the Engliſh hoſt neare to the foote of the mountaine called Branxton,Sir Edmonde Haward was fiercely aſ|ſayled. and firſt ſir Edmond Hawarde leading one of the outwings of ye Engliſh army, hauing with him three .M. men, being fiercely aſ|ſayled by the Scottes on foot, hauing ſpeares and long weapons, & alſo by certain horſmen, was in the end diſcomfited, and his people beaten downe [figure appears here on page 421] and put to flight, ſo that being of thẽ forſaken, he was conſtrayned to follow. But yet he & diuerſe other which eſcaped, ioyned thẽſelues to the next battaile as well as they might.A good begin|ning had an euill ending. This ſo proſpe|rous a beginning, who would thinke ſhould haue turned to the loſſe of ye Scots part & aduancemẽt [page 422] of the Engliſh ſide? But ſo it came to paſſe, for K. Iames no ſooner ſaw that wing of the Eng|liſh hoſt ouerthrowne and diſcomfited, but that he deemed how al the whole power of ye Engliſhmẽ had bin fleeing away:King Iames deceyued him ſelf and aligh|ted from his horſe. & therefore alighting beſide his horſe, & cõmaunding thoſe yt were about him to folow, prepared himſelf to purſue the chaſe. His captaines did what they coulde by wordes to re|moue him from his purpoſe,The Captains good counſell not regarded. declaring to him the dutie of a prince, which is not raſhly to enter the fight, but to prouide and ſee that euery thing bee done in order: & where as cõming to trie the mat|ter by hand blowes, he can do no more than an o|ther man, yet keeping his place as apperteyneth to his perſõ, he may be wo [...]th many thouſands of other. The king nothing moued wt theſe exhorta|tiõs,The kings hardineſſe marred all. breaking his array of battaile, with a cõpanie of noble men, ruſhed forward into the fore ward, where accompliſhing the office of a footman, foũd the Engliſh men not fleeing, but manfully ſtan|ding at reſiſtance, ſo that there was a right harde reencoũter,Sir Edmond Stanley inua|ded the backe of the rere|garde. and many arrowes ſhot on euery ſide, and great hurt done therewith. At length ſir Ed|ward Stanley with the reregard of the Engliſhe mẽ came fiercely downe frõ the hil of Branxſton vpon the backe of the kings army, wherein they fought cruelly on both partes for a long ſpace, but at length the victory inclined to the Engliſhmen, for the king himſelf was there beaten downe and ſlaine,King Iames ſlaine. with all that whole battaile which firſt en|tred the fight.