Snippet: 3679 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 421)
The buckle rather of hys helmet gnawẽ with mile.
The cloth of his tent of bl [...]die color.
The ſame night alſo Miſe had gnawne in ſunder the buckle and leather of
his helmet wher|with he ſhoulde faſten the ſame to his head. And moreouer, the
cloth or vaile of his inner tent (as is ſayde) aboute the breake of the day
appeared as though the deawie moyſture thereof had bene of a bloudie colour.
Herevpon the king keeping him|ſelfe within his ſtrength, the Erle of Surrey
con|ſtrayned by neceſſitie to ſeeke all wayes
whereby to traine the king downe from the hill where hee was lodged,The Engliſh campe remo|ued by the Earle. remoued his
campe towardes the hilles of Floddon, where the king of Scottes lay encamped:
and on the .ix. day of September paſ|ſed the water of Tyll at Twiſell bridge,
the rere|warde going ouer at Mylford, putting themſel|ues as neare as they
coulde betwixt the Scottiſhe campe and Scotlande.