[1] In the meane tyme was the whole power of Scotlande aſſembled,King Iames approched nere vnto England with his power with the which king Ia|mes approching to the borders, and nothing a|baſhed of the euill lucke thus at the beginning chaunced to his people, purpoſed with greater ad|uantage of victorie to recouer that detriment:The king of Scots made to much haſt. and herevpõ he made ſuch haſt, that he would not ſtay for the whole power of his realme which was in preparing to come forwarde vnto him, but com|ming to the borders, he paſſed ouer the water of Tweed the .xxij. of Auguſt, & entred into Eng|lãd, lodging that night nere to the riuer of Tuiſel: & the next day laid ſiege to the caſtel of Norham,Norham. The Brayes. Barnekyne. & within ſhort ſpace wan the Brayes, ouerthrew the Barnkine, & ſlue diuers win the caſtel, ſo yt the captain & ſuch as had charge within it, deſired the [page 420] king to delay the ſiege, while they might ſende to the Earle of Surrey alreadie come with an army into the North partes, couenanting if they were not reſcued by the .xix. day of that Moneth, they ſhould deliuer the caſtel vnto the king. This was graunted: and bycauſe none came within the time to the reſkue, the caſtell was deliuered at the appointed day: a great part of it was ouerthrown and beaten downe.Fourd and Etell taken. After this he wanne the Ca|ſtels of Fourd and Etell, and diuerſe other places of ſtrength, of which part were ouerthrowne. He alſo tooke many priſoners, and ſent them away into Scotland, and diuerſe he aſſured: and thus he abode an .xviij. dayes within England, til two parts of his armie were ſcaled and departed home from him.