[1] This letter being deliuered vnto the Scottiſhe Herald, he departed with the ſame into Flanders, there to haue taken ſhippe: but for want of readie paſſage he ſtayd and returned not into Scotland till Floddon field was fought, and the king ſlain. For king Iames perceiuing al the Engliſhmens doings to tende vnto warre rather than to peace, hauing taken order for the aſſembling of his peo|ple immediately after he had ſent forth his He|ralde wyth commaundement to denounce the warre, he determined to inuade the Engliſh con|fines, and firſt before his maine force was come togither, the Lorde Humes that was Lord Chã|berlaine and warden of Scotland, the .xiij.Engliſh men fetched a bootie in Scotlande. day of Auguſt, hearing that the Engliſh men had fet|ched a bootie within ye Scottiſh ground, aſſẽbled a power and followed them into Northumber|land, but ere he could returne he was forlayd by ye Engliſhmen, which breaking out of their embu|ſhes, put the Scottiſh men to the worſe, and of them tooke and ſlue many.