[1] King Henry hauing read the letter,The Heralde is ſent for. & conſidered therof with aduice of his counſel, ſent for ye herald again, and told him that he had read and wel per|ceiued the contents of the letters which he had de|liuered to him, & woulde make him anſwere with condition, that he woulde promiſe to declare the ſame to his maiſter.The Heraldes anſwere. Wherevnto Lion made this anſwere:

Sir, I am his natural ſubiect, and he is my naturall Lord, and what he cõmaunds me to ſay, I may boldly ſay with fauor, but the cõman|dements of others I may not, nor dare ſay vnto my ſouereigne Lorde, but your letters ſent by me may declare you M. pleaſure, albeit your anſwer requireth doings and not ſayings, that is, that you immediately ſhould returne home.
Then ſaid the king:
I will returne at my pleaſure to your do|mage, & not at thy maiſters ſommonance.
And herewith he cauſed an anſwere to be writtẽ vnto the king of Scots in forme as followeth.