[1] Cõmiſsioners met a [...] the borders.The Commiſſioners met on the borders in Iune, according to the appoyntment: but bicauſe the Engliſhmen would not conſent to make any redreſſe or reſtitution till the .xv. of October next,The Engliſh men detract the time. thinking by that delay and continuance of tyme, they ſhould vnderſtãd the ſtate of their kings pro|ceedings in Fraunce, and in the meane time re|teyne in theyr handes the Scottiſh mens goodes which they had taken both by ſea and land (as the Scottiſh writers affyrme,) the king of Scottes being thereof aduertiſed,A king of ar|mes ſent vnto king Henrie at England. ſent Lion king of armes vnto king Henrie then lying at ſiege before Ter|wine with letters of complaint, commaunding him that if King Henrie refuſed to accompliſhe the contents of his ſayde letters, hee ſhoulde de|nounce warre vnto him. Wherevpon Lion ar|ryuing in the Engliſhe armie with his cote of armes on his backe, about the middeſt of Auguſt, deſired to ſpeake with the king, and was within a ſhort ſpace by Garter chiefe king at Armes of England, brought to the kings preſence, hauing his nobles and counſellers about him, where with due reuerence, and ſome good wordes firſt vttred, he deliuered his letters, the tenor wherof enſueth.