[1] [2] King Iames ſent a Purſeuant called Vni|corne into Fraunce,Purſeuants ſent into Eng|land & France. and another into Englande called Ilay, which Ilay requyred a ſafeconduct for an Ambaſſador to be ſent from the king hys maiſter vnto the King of Englande, but thys would not be graunted. Vpon the ſayde Ilayes returne, Monſieur de la Mote was ſent backe in|to France, and with him ſir Water Ogiluy, and [page 417] a meſſenger which the Pope had ſent into Scot|lande.Doctor Weſt ſent into Scot|land Ambaſ|ſador. And the .xvj. of March next enſuing, Doc|tor Weſt came as Ambaſſador into Scotlande from the king of England, appoynting that cer|taine Commiſſioners ſhoulde meete on the bor|ders for redreſſe of all quarels betwixt the two realms, in the Month of Iune next enſuing. And this appoyntment was kept: but no good could be done, as after ſhall appeare.