[1] A Sinode kept at Edenburgh.There was aboute the ſame time a Synode holden in the blacke Friers of Edenbourgh, by the whole Cleargie of the Realme, as Biſhops, Ab|bots, Priors and other Prelates, where there was a Legate of the Popes, who cauſed all the chur|ches that were aboue .xl. pound to be taxed. This was called Bagimunts taſke,Benefices were taxed. whereby the Pope and the king might knowe the value of the bene|fices, and to haue taxes of the ſame accordingly, as the Pope for his annates and Bulles, and the king when he ſtoode in neede. This was conſen|ted and agreed vnto by the Cleargie.