[1] The king of France requy|red ayd againſt England.The French King, and the Duke of Gelder|lande perceyuing that the king of Englande was mynded through procurement of the Pope and others, to make them warres, eyther of them ſent Ambaſſadors into Scotlande vnto king Iames, requyring his aſſyſtance agaynſt England: but king Iames mynding to mainteyne peace and concorde betwixt the parties,King Iames perſwadeth to peace. ſent an Ambaſſa|dor vnto the king of Englande, deſiring him in brotherly and moſte louing wife to liue in peace and quietneſſe, and not to make anye warres a|gaynſt his confederate friendes, offring himſelfe to take in hande to agree and compound any dif|ference that was fallen betwixt the king of Eng|lande and the ſayde Princes.