[1] Furthermore,The Trumbils with other are taken by the king. the king vpon the .viij. of No|uember comming from Edenbourgh to the wa|ter of Rule, tooke diuerſe miſgouerned perſons, & brought them to Iedworth, where the principals of the Trumbils, with naked ſwordes in theyr handes, and wythes about theyr neckes met with him, putting thẽſelues in the kings mercy, which were ſent to ſundry places to bee kept in warde, with diuerſe other of thoſe countreymen, whereby the marches were more quiet afterwardes: and from thence the king paſſed to S. Iohns towne, where iuſtice was holden the reſidue of ye winter.