[1] [2] The Erle of Northumberlande as then war|den of the Marches, was appoynted to delyuer hir vpon the borders vnto the king of Scotland. And ſo this fayre Ladie was conueyed with a greate company of Lordes, Ladies, knightes, Eſquiers, and Gentlemen, vntill ſhe came to the towne of Barwike, and from thence vnto Lambert kirke in Lamer moore within Scotland, where ſhe was receyued by the King and all the Nobles of that realme, and from the ſayde place [...] Lamberton kirke, ſhe was conueyed vnto Edenbourgh, where the day after hir comming thither, ſhe was ma|ried vnto the ſayde king with great and ſolemne [figure appears here on page 412] tryumph,The conſum|mation of the mariage be|twixt king Iames the fourth, and the Ladie Mar|garet. to the highe reioyſing of all that were preſent, and verilye the Engliſhe Lordes, (as the Earle of Surrey and others, which gaue their attendance on the ſayd Ladie till the mariage and feaſt were ended) at theyr returne home, gaue greate prayſe, not onely to the manhoode of the Scottes, but alſo to theyr maners and heartie in|tertainment. For aſwell the Noble men as the Ladies and gentlewomen of Scotlande at that preſent, were nothing behind the Engliſh Lords [page 413] and Ladies in coſtly apparel, maſſie Chaynes, & other furniture, aſwel for themſelues as their hor|ſes, and made great bankets to the Engliſh men, and ſhewed them ſuch Iuſtes and other pleaſant paſtimes in honour of the mariage, ſo well as af|ter the maner of the Countrey coulde be deuiſed. By reaſon of this mariage and aliance, men were in great good hope that perfite peace and ſincere amitie ſhould continue betwixt the two realmes of England and Scotland a long time after: and verily during the life of king Henry the ſeuenth, no cauſe of breach was miniſtred betwixt him and his ſonne in law, but that they liued in great loue and amitie.