[1] He deſired him therefore to withdraw forth of his Realme, eyther into Flanders to his Fathers ſiſter the Ladie Margaret, or into ſome other place where it pleaſed him to abide, and expecte ſome better time more conuenient for his purpoſe. The ſayde Richarde gaue the king thankes,Perkyn War|becke went in|to Irelande. and obayed his pleaſure, departing ſhortly after out of Scotland,Came into F [...]anders. and ſayled into Ireland, from thence to tranſport into Flannders. But finally ma|king an attempt into Englande, he was taken priſoner in the Abbay of Beaulieu togither with his wife, whoſe beautie was ſuch, as king Henrie thought hir a more meete pray for an Emperor, than for ſouldiers, and therefore vſed hir right ho|nourably, appoynting hir to remaine in the court with the Queene his wife: where ſhee continued ſo long as the ſayde king lyued.