[1] King Iames then perceyuing that no maine armie came agaynſt him,


The Scots in|uade the bor|ders of Eng|lande.

inuaded eftſoones the borders of England, and layde ſiege to the Ca|ſtell of Norham, ſending hys lyght Horſemen abroade into Northumberlande, and the By|ſhopryke of Durham, where they burned and ſpoyled all aboute in the Countrey: But hea|ring that the Earle of Surrey had rayſed an armye, and was comming towardes them,The Earle of Surrey rayſed an army. they returned to the Hoſte lying before Nor|ham, where King Iames perceyuing he coulde not wynne the Caſtell, notwythſtanding hee had done greate hurte and domage thereto,The Scottes rayſe their ſiege. hee rayſed hys ſiege, retyred into hys Countrey, and left greate companyes on the borders for de|fence thereof. And ſo before the comming of the Engliſhe armye, King Iames was re|turned.