[1] The king of England aduertiſed hereof, made preparation for the rayſing of an armie, meaning to ſend the ſame againſt the Scottes:A rebellion in Cornwale. but the re|bellion of the Corniſh men which chaunced the ſame tyme about a taxe leuied then of the people, conſtrayned him to imploye that armye to re|preſſe the enterpriſe of thoſe rebelles.The Earle of Surrey ſent in to the north. Yet neuer|theleſſe he ſent the Erle of Surrey to the borders, that with the power of the Countrey adioyning, he might defende the ſame from the inuaſions of the Scottes, if they attempted to breake in. And ſo the Earle lay on the borders all that yeare.