[1] Anone after his Coronation, ye Earle of Len|nox, and the Lord Lille, with diuers other theyr aſſiſtantes, notwithſtanding that they had bene with him at the ſlaughter of his father, ſeing that things went not as they wiſhed, reiſed an army,The nobles rayſe an army agayne. & cauſed the dead Kings bloudy ſhirt to be borne afore thẽ for a Banner: and comming forwards towardes Striu [...]ng againſte the yong King,They were o|uerthrowen. were ouerthrowen at Tolymoſſe, where ye Len|nox men, and ſundry other of the Barons ſide were ſlayne, as the Lorde of Kiltrucht and other taken and hanged for their offences.