[1] King Iames within a while after the conclu|ſion of this league and marriage aforeſayde, for the expreſſing and declaring of his opinion tou|ching the Caſtell of Dunbar, whether he woulde be agreeable that the ſame ſhould remayne onely ſixe moneths,King Iames by letters ſig|nifieth hys minde tou|ching the ar|ticles of Dun|bar. or elſe during the tearme of ye whole truce in the Engliſhmẽs poſſeſſion, he wrote vn|to King Richard a louing letter, ſignifying vnto him, that he was not minded to ſeeke the recoue|rie of the ſayd caſtell by force of armes, but rather to leaue it in his hand, during the whole terme of the truce, neuertheleſſe, he inſtantly required hym for the bonde of that loue and familiaritie, which nowe by treatie and aliance was ſprong vp be|twixt them, that he would redeliuer the ſaid Ca|ſtell into his handes, according as reaſon mighte moue him thereto, conſidering the Engliſhmen had no right to it, being only deliuered to them by traitors of their natiue coũtrey without any rea|ſonable cauſe, or commiſſiõ lawfully authoriſed.King Richard would not de|liuer the Ca|ſtell of Dun|bar.