Snippet: 3555 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 403)
[2] Alſo they layde to his charge, yt he had put hys brother the Earle of Mar vnto
death, & baniſhed his other brother the Duke of Albany, &
therefore they could not ſuffer him and the whole Realme to be longer miſledde
by ſuche naughty perſons. And herevpõ they tooke Thomas Cochram Erle of Mar,
William Roger,Cochram Erle of Mar and other hanged.
and Iames Hommill Tayllor, who with others being conuict, were hanged ouer the
Bridge at Lowder. Only Iohn Ramſey a yong man of eyghteene yeeres of age, for
whome the king made great inſtaunce, was pardoned of life. This done, they
returned to E|denburgh, and appoynted the king himſelfe to bee kept in the
Caſtel by the Erle of Athole,The king kept vnder
arreſt. and in ye meane time, the ſecond of Auguſt, they ſente
An|drow Steward elect Biſhop of Murray, & Iohn Lord Darneley, to the
Engliſh army lying then at Tuyder, to take truce for three moneths: but ye
Dukes of Glowceſter and Albany came forward vnto Reſtalrig, where they encamped
withoute any reſiſtance. The Engliſh nauie lying alſo in the Forth, was readie
to aſſiſt their fellowes by land. Herevpon certaine noble men of Scotland, [page 404] as the Archbiſhop of Saint Androwes, the Bi|ſhop of
Dunkeld, Colin Erle of Argyle, and An|drow Steward Lord Auendale great
Chancel|lor of Scotland, wente to the Engliſh camp, and treating with the two
Dukes,The Duke of Albany is re|conciled. agreed
vpon cer|tayne articles, whereby the Duke of Albany was receyued into his
countrey againe in peaceable wiſe, and had giuen to him the Caſtell of Dun|bar
with the Erledomes of March and Mar. He was proclaymed alſo generall Lieutenant
to the King: And ſo the Engliſhmen returned
home|wards, and came to Berwike where they hauyng wonne the towne as they
paſſed that wayes into Scotlãd, had left the Lord Stanley and ſir Iohn
Eldrington with foure thouſand men, to keepe a ſiege before the Caſtell, and
nowe they enforced the ſame: but the Lorde of Halis then Captayne within that
Caſtell, defended it right manfully, ſending to the Duke of Albany and other
the Lords of the counſell,The Caſtell of Barwike is
taken. for reliefe to reiſe the ſiege. The Duke in deede reyſed an army, and came to Lamer More,
but when they within perceyued that through diſſention betwixte the King and
the nobles of the Realme, they were not like to be reſkewed, they yeelded the
Caſtell into the Eng|liſhmens handes the .24. of Auguſt in that yeere
The king a priſoner.
after it had remayned nowe at this time in the Scottiſhmens handes the
ſpace of .21. yeeres. The king remayning as priſoner in Edenburgh Caſtell, all
things were ordered by the Duke of Albany,
Androwe Stewarde Lord of Auendale Chancellor, & others, till the ſayd
Duke, ye Arch|biſhop of Sainte Androwes, the Chancellor, the Erle of Argile
& diuers others wẽt vnto Striue|ling to viſit the Queene and Prince,
where the Duke was perſwaded by the Queene withoute knowledge thereof giuen to
the other, to goe vnto Edenburgh,The king is ſet at
libertie. and to reſtore the king vnto libertie. The Duke accordingly
to the Queenes pleaſure comming to Edenburgh, beſeeged the Caſtell &
wanne it, remoued the Earle of Athole, and
ſet ye king and all his ſeruants at libertie, for the which good turne, the
king ſhewed great tokens of loue to his brother the Duke, although it laſted
not long. The Earle of Argile, the Biſhop of Sainte Androwes, the Chancellor
and others which re|mayned at Striueling, when they hearde thoſe newes, fled
into their owne countreys: and ſhort|ly after, the Biſhop of Sainte Androwes at
re|queſt of the king,The Archbi|ſhop reſig|net [...]. reſigned his Biſhoprike in fauor of maſter Androw Steward prouoſt of Glene|lowden, and was
content in recompence thereof, with the Biſhoprike of Murray.
[...]8 [...]
This yeere there was great theft, reiſe, & ſlaughter in diuers
partes of the Realme, by occaſion of the variance be| [...]
[...] and his nobles.
The Duke of Al| [...]
[...] vnderſtood there was poiſon gi| [...]
[...] drinke in the kings chamber, and therefore ſtoode in feare of his life,
fledde from the Court vnto the Caſtell of Dunbar, whereby en|ſewed great
diſcord. The king fearing the diſple|ſure of his nobles, gote him alſo into ye
Caſtel of Edenburgh. The Erles of Angus, Bach [...]uhan,The king is forſaken. and others left the
king, and aſſiſted the Duke of Albany. And the king through counſell of certain
meane perſons whome he had againe taken vnto him, ſummoned the Duke and others
his aſſi|ſtantes to come to anſwer for ſuch treaſon as hee had to lay againſt
them,Lords are ſum|moned. and withall prepared an
army to beſeege Dunbar, whereof the Duke be|ing aduertiſed fled into Englande,
& afterwardes being accompanyed with the Earle of Dowglas and a great
nũber of Engliſhmen inuaded Scot|land vpon the weſt marches,Scotland in|uaded. where many Eng|liſhmen were ſlaine and taken by
the reſiſtaunce of the Lards Cokpule, Iohnſton and others, the Duke was put to
flight, and the Erle Dowglas taken and brought to the king, who bycauſe hee was
an aged man and had bin long baniſhed his countrey, was ſente to the Abbey of
Lundoris,Erle Dowglas ſent vnto an Abbey. where
hee remayned the reſt of his dayes, and at length, departing this life, was
buried there. The Duke of Albany for the loſſe of that army, was blamed of the
king of England,The Duke of Albany is blamed. and
therevpõ ta|king a miſliking, ſecretely departed ouer into France by the help
of Iohn Liddell, ſonne to Sir Iames Liddell knighte, who afterwards loſt his
life for the ſame. The Duke was well entertey|ned in France by the King there:
and finally rũ|ning at tilt with Lewes Duke of Orleance, was hurt with the
ſplint of a Speare and thereof died. He lefte behinde him two ſonnes, Iohn Duke
of Albany, that was after gouernor and tutor to king Iames the fift, &
Alexander that was after Biſhop of Murrey and Abbot of Scone. Thys yere the
Lords Hume, Torreklis, Oliphant, and Drummond, were made Lordes of the
Parlia|ment. In the yeere .1484.
The Archbi|ſhop is ſent to Rome.
the king ſent the Arch|biſhop of Saint Androwes vnto Rome for cer|tayne
priuileges which he obteyned. And ye ſame yeere, Pope Innocente the eighte of
that name,The Pope ſent to entreate fo [...] peace. ſent the Biſhop of Imola to treate of peace be|twixt
Richarde King of Englande and Iames king of Scotlãd. Iames king of Scottes
hauing not long before made diuers incurſions & roades into England,
and that to his profite, hee ſewed therevpon for a truce, which came to paſſe
euen as king Richarde wiſhed, ſo that condiſcending to haue a
communication,Commiſsio|ners appoyn|ted on the behalfe of
the king of Eng|land and Scot|lande to treat [...] for a peace at Notingham. commiſſioners were appoynted for
both partes to meete at Notyng|ham ye ſeuenth day of September nexte