Snippet: 3552 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 401)
[6] A ſtraunge co [...]cte or blaſing Starre (as wee call it) appeared in ye South, from the
ſeuententh day of Ianuarie,1473 vnto the eyghteenth
of Februa|rie, and was placed betwixt ye Pole and the Ple|iades, that is to
wit, the ſeuen Starres. A greate Ship built by the late Archbiſhop of Sainte
An|drows Kenedie, called the Biſhops Barge, brake and was loſt beſide
Banburgh,A Shipwrack. beeing fraughte with
marchandiſe, the twelfth of Marche. Ma|ny Merchant mens ſeruantes and other
paſſen|gers wee drowned wt hir, ſome eſcaped by boate, and were taken by the
Engliſhmen, amongſt whome was the Abbot of S. Colme, who was cõſtreined to pay
vnto his taker one Iames Kar, 80. poundes for his raunſome ere he could be
ſuf|fered to depart. The A [...]arie of Dunfermeling being vacant, the couent thoſe one of their owne
Monkes called Alexander Thomſon, and ye king promoted Henry Creichton Abbot of
Paſlay therevnto whome the Pope admitted,Abbayes gi|uen by
vnlaw|ful meanes. and Ro|bert Shaw parſon of Minto, was preferred by
ye king vnto the Abbacie of Paſlay, and thẽ in ſuch wiſe began promotings of
Secular Prieſts vnto Abbacies at the Princes requeſt, and the lauda|ble
elections aunciently vſed, made voyd: bycauſe the Court of Rome admitted ſuche
as the Prin|ces made ſuite for and named, getting greate re|wards [page 402] and eadle ſũmes of mony therby, ſo that neither the
biſhops durſt admit ſuch as ye couents elected, nor ſuch as were elected durſt
purſue their righte, & ſo the Abbeys were beſtowed vpon ſuch as
followed the Court, & liued courtly, ſecularly, & voluptuouſly,
to ye great ſlãder of religious mẽ, which by ye naughty enſãples of their
gouernors, fel to the workes of wickedneſſe, whervpon daily much euil
encreaſed, & vertue in al eſtates decayd. This yere in Septẽber,
The Biſhop of Saint An|drowes made Achbiſhop.
ye indulgẽce of the ſea of S.
Androws was publiſhed by Patricke Grahã, Biſhop therof, & the ſame ſea
erected into the dig|nitie of an Archbiſhops ſea, at ſute of the ſaid Pa|trick,
who gaue information to ye Pope, yt bicauſe ye archbiſhop of York was
Metropolitan of Scot+land, and yt ther was oftentimes war betwixt the realms
of England & Scotlãd, the Scottiſhmen could not haue acceſſe to their
Metropolitan, ſpe|cially in caſes of appellation. And therefore the Pope (as
ſom write) thought it reſon to make S.
Androws primate & Metropolitan of Scotlãd,Primate
and Metropolitan. Twelue Bi|ſhops in Scot|land. & ordeined
yt the twelue other Biſhops of Scotlãd ſhuld be vnder his primacie, who would
not agree thervnto, but promiſed ye K. by way of a taxatiõ xj. M. markes for
his maintenãce againſt ye ſayd Archbiſhop: & the Prelates ſente to
Rome about this matter.1476 This yere was a greate
death in the Realme of Scotland, ſo that where a Parliamẽt was called in
Septẽber, it was proroged vntil ye twelfth day after Chriſtmas.The Lord of the Iſles at|teynted. In Ianuary ye
Par+liament was holdẽ at Edẽburgh, in which
Iohn Lord of the Iles & Erle of Roſſe, was atteynted partly for his own
euil deedes, but moſt ſpecially, for ye defaultes of his father Donald Lord of
the Iles.The king ray|ſed an army. In May in the yere
.1477. the king rayſed a puiſſant army of the moſt able mẽ vpõ the North ſide
of the water of Forth, to purſue the Lord of ye Iles both by ſea &
land. The Erle of Crawforde was made Admirall of the army by Sea, and the Erle
of Athole, the kings vncle by his father, was
Lieutenant of ye Army by land. But ſuch means was vſed by ye Erle of
Athole,The Lord of the Iſles ſub|mitteth
him|ſelfe. that the Lord of ye Iles humbled himſelfe to the kings
pleaſure vpon certayn cõditions, & thervpon in the beginning of Iuly
next enſuing, the ſaid lord of the Iles came to ye Parliament vnto Edenburgh,
& there was ye agreement made & confirmed betwixt the king
& him:He reſigneth Roſſe, Cantyre and
Knapden. he reſigned into the kings hands all his right which he had
to the Erledom of Roſſe, ye lands of Cantyre & Knapden, which
Earledome the king annexed to ye Crowne,
& pardoned him & his ſer|uants of al offences &
tranſgreſſions before ye day committed, & inueſted him of new in ye
Lordſhip & Seigniorie of the Iles, & other his lands not
re|leaſed, to holde ye ſame of the king by the ſeruice of warde and reliefe.
The king alſo gaue vnto the Erle of Athole for his diligence ſhewed, in
redu|cing the ſaid Lord of the Iles vnto order, the lãds and foreſt of Clouy.
There was an Inquiſitor this yere ſent by Pope Sextus into Scotland,
1477 An inquiſ [...]tor ſent from the Pope.
The Archbi|ſhop is not wel handled.
to examine by vertue of his cõmiſſion Patrick Gra|ham Archbiſhop of S.
Androwes, whoſe exami|nation and proues being ſent vnto the Pope, hee
pronounced him an Heretike, Sciſmatike, & Sy|moniake, &
declared him accurſed, condemning him to perpetual priſon:Depriued. and ſo he was degraded from all orders, cure, &
dignitie of Eccleſiaſticall office, and William Schewes Archdeacõ of the ſame
ſea, was promoted in his place, to whom he was alſo committed to ſee him ſafely
kept in pri|ſon. He was firſt ſent vnto Saint Colmes Ins,Put
in priſon. and from thence to Dunfermling, and laſtly to Lochleuin,
where he dyed, and was buried in S. Sarffis Ile in Lochleuin.
William Schewes is cõ|ſecrated Archbiſhop.
The ſayd William Schewes was conſecrate Archbiſhop of Sainte Androwes
on paſſion Sunday in Lente, within Holy Roode houſe, the king being preſent,
& ma|ny of the nobles of the Realm. And there ye ſayde Archbiſhop
receiued ye pall, as a ſigne of his Arch|biſhops dignitie, & ſo was
cõfirmed primate & le|gate of ye Realm, notwithſtãding ye
impediment made againſt Graham before by the Biſhops a|bout ye ſame. This yere
alſo,The Duke of Albany im|priſoned. Alexander
Duke of Albany was committed to priſon by the king his brother, within ye
Caſtel of Edenburgh, through euil counſel, but he brake out & eſcaped
to Dũbar, wher he cauſed the Caſtel to be furniſhed with al neceſſaries,
& leauing his ſeruants within it,He eſcaped.
paſ|ſed himſelf into France, & was there of ye king ho|norably
receyued and louingly intreated.Edenburgh beſieged.
In the beginning of May following, the king beſieged ye Caſtel by his
Lieutenant the Erle of Au [...]ndale, who loſt at that ſiege .3. good knights, the Lord of Lute, ſir
Iohn Schaw of Sauche, & the Lorde of Cragiwallace, with ye ſhot of a
gun, & Iohn Rã|ſay was ſlain with a ſtone caſt by hãd. Whẽ thei
within ſaw they could not lõg endure, they left ye Caſtel & fled away
by ſea, & the Erle of Auandale entred & found it void of al
things wherof any ac|cõpt was to be made.Doctor Ire|land
ſent vnto the king of Scottes. Doctor Irelãd being gra|duat in
diuinitie at Paris, was ſent from ye Frẽch king vnto ye king of Scottes, to
perſwade him to make war into Englãd, to ye end yt king Edward ſhuld not aid
ye Duke of Burgundy. And moreo|uer, he had in charge to moue for the Pardon of
ye Duke of Albany, and ſhortly after returned with anſwer.
Iohn Steward a priſoner.
The Erle of Mar called Iohn Steward ye kings yõger brother, this
yeere in the moneth of December, was taken in the nighte within hys owne houſe,
& conueyed vnto Cragunſter, where he was kept as priſoner by the kings
commaun|dement, and after was conuict of conſpiracie for witchcraft which he
ſhuld practiſe againſt ye king: & hervpon in Cannogate beſide
Edenburgh,Was put to death. hys vaynes were cut
& ſo he bled to death. Ther were many & diuers Witches
& ſorcerers aſwil men as women cõuicted of ye crime, & burnt
for ye ſame at Edẽb. The K. ſent Ambaſſadors into Englãd to [page 403] make ſuite to haue the Lady Cicill daughter to king Edward,
[...]ariage cõ.|ded ioyned in mariage with his ſonne Iames ye
Prince, which was grãted, and ye ma|riage concluded to be ſolemnizate, when
ye prince of Scotland ſhould come to perfect age: as in the Engliſh hiſtorie
it more playnely appeareth.