[1] But nowe to ſhewe further what wee finde written concerning the manner and cauſe of the baniſhmente of the afore remembred Thomas Boyd,Giouan Fer|rerio in hys appendix of the Scottiſh hiſtory. Giouan Ferrerio, in his appendix of the Scottiſh hiſtorie annexed vnto Hector Boetius laſtly imprinted at Paris anno .1574. agreeth not with that which ye haue red before, for as hee tel|leth the tale, the ſayd Lord Boyd being one of the gouernours of the Realme, elected thereto (as be|fore ye haue heard) within ſhorte time grewe ſo faire in fauoure with the King,The Lorde Boyd beareth all the rule about the King. that he might do all things with him at his pleaſure, although hys aſſociates in authoritie did neuer ſo much goe a|bout to hinder his deuiſes, by reaſon whereof, hee ſeemed to vſurp the whole rule and adminiſtra|tion of the Realme into his owne handes, ſore to the greefe of thoſe his ſaid aſſociates being ioyned with him in like office.