Snippet: 3541 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 399)
[1] The Duke of Sommerſet, in hope of great fa|uor which he ſhuld finde in England,
perſwaded King Henry to paſſe thither,
King Henry returneth into Englande.
and with a greate company of Scottiſhmen he entred Englande, and many
of the North parts reſorted vnto him, but at length, at his comming to Exam,
ye Lord Montague with a greate power was ready to giue him battell, and there
diſcomfited hym and his whole army. The Duke of Sommerſet and
[figure appears here on page 399] the Lords Hungerford and Roſſe, were taken & put to
death, the Duke at Exham, and the Lords at Newcaſtell. King Henry eſcaped very
hardly into Scotland againe, and there remayned a cer|tayne ſpace after, till at length he thought to re|turne into
Englande in ſuche ſecrete wiſe, as hee ſhould not haue bin once knowen, till
hee mighte haue gote amongſt his friendes, whiche woulde haue ſupported him:
but ſuch diligent watch was layde for him all alongſt the bordures,King Henry is [...]ſoned. that hee was eſpyed taken and deliuered to King Ed|ward
his aduerſarie, who ſhut him vp in ye To|wer of London till he was at lẽgth
therein made away, as in the Hiſtory of England ye may ſee more at large.