[1] This Brezey was one, that was moſt in fa|uoure with King Charles the ſeuenth, father vn|to the ſayde Kyng Lewes, and therefore (as ma|ny dyd ſuppoſe) hee was appoynted by Kyng [page 399] Lewis (who greatly loued him not) to be chiefe in this iourney, to the end his life might be put in hazarde and aduenture, notwithſtanding after ſome danger both of tempeſt on the Sea, and alſo of the enimies handes, hee wanne the Caſtels of Bamburgh and Dunſtanburgh which he caſt to the grounde,He keepeth Anwike Ca|ſtell, and is beſeeged. and after tooke in hande to keepe the Caſtell of Anwike, and beeing beſeeged therein, ſent for ayde to the Scottes.