[1] [2] Donald of the Iles eftſoones rebelleth.Moreouer, ſhortly after Donald Lord of the Iles and Earle of Roſſe, who had ſerued obedi|ently in the army at Roxburgh and was (as out|wardly appeared) well reconciled, began of newe to vſe his olde manners, ſpoyling and harrying the whole countrey of Athole, and tooke the Earle thereof, and the counteſſe his wife captiues with him into the Iles. To repreſſe his iniurious at|temptes: the Regents were preparing an army, but therewith came true aduertiſements, that the ſayd Lord of the Iles, and other the principall of|fendors of his company, were ſtriken through the hand of God with a certayne frenſie or madneſſe,Donald be|came m [...]dde. and had loſt all their ſhippes and ſpoyles in the ſea, ſo that ye Earle of Athole and his Lady were reſtored, and thoſe frentike perſons were brought vnto Saint Brides Ki [...]ke in Athole, [...] Hector Boet [...]|us continued the Sco [...]iſhed hiſtorie. He was kille [...] for the re|couery of their health, but it woulde not be. Do|nalde himſelfe was afterward ſlayne in the Ca|ſtell of Inuernes by an Iriſhman that was a minſtrell.