[1] Herewith alſo,The Lord Hamylton departeth from the Dowglas. the Lorde Hamylton beeing wiſer than the reſidue, bad the Dowglas fare|well, and ſo departed, concluding that hee ſhould neuer ſee ſo faire a day agayne, wherein he might haue caſt the dice for the whole Kingdome. And [page 394] being thus departed from the Dowglas, hee re|payred to the King as then lying at the ſeege of Abircorne, who ſente him to the Caſtell of Ro|ſleyn, there to remayne vnder ſafekeeping with the Earle of Orkney, to whom the ſame Ca|ſtell belonged: but at length, ye King did not only pardon this Lorde Hamilton of all paſſed offen|ces, but alſo receyued hym into ſuch fauour, that he gaue to him his eldeſt daughter in mariage, as after ſhall appeare. But now vpon the withdra|wing thus of the ſayd Lorde Hamilton from the Dowglas,The Earle of Dowglas his company ſhrinketh from him. bycauſe the King had ſet foorthe alſo an open proclamation of pardon to all thoſe that woulde forſake the Earle of Dowglas, the moſt part of the ſame Earles company departed from him,He withdra|weth into England. by reaſon whereof, he fledde into Englande togither with his brethren.