[1] [2] [3] [4] The Earle of Huntly the ſame day before the battails ioyned, gaue lãds to the principal men of thoſe ſurnames that were with him, as to ye For|beſſes, Leſlies, Iouings, Ogilvies, Grantes, & di|uerſe other. Which boũtifulnes of the Erle made thẽ to fight more valiantly.Landes giuen to the Erle of Huntley. In recõpence wherof the king gaue to the ſaid Erle the lands of Bad|zenot, & Lochquhaber.The Earle of Murrey. In the meane time, Arch|balde Dowglas Earle of Murrey, brent the pe [...]l [page 393] of Straboggy, perteyning to the Earle of Hunt|ley, and harried the lands there aboutes. In re|uenge whereof, the Earle of Huntley at his re|turning backe, brent and harried all the landes of the Earledome of Murrey. In the meane time at a Parliament holden at Edenburgh,The Earle of Crawford [...]ed. the Erle of Crawford was denounced a traytor, and all his lands and goodes dece [...]ed [...]o of forfeyted into the Kings hands.L [...]des cited [...] [...]ppeare. Iames Earle of Dowglas, Iames Lord Hammilton, the Erles of Murrey, and Ormont; the Lord of Baluay, and many o|ther of that faction, were by publike Proclama|tion made by an Herault, commaunded to ap|peare by a day to vnderly the law: but in the next night that folowed the day of this Proclamatiõ, certayne of the Dowglaſſes ſeruantes that were ſent priuily to Edynburgh, to vnderſtande what was done ther,Writings ſet [...] cõtempt [...] the King. faſtned writings vpõ the Church dores, ſealed with the Dowglas his ſeale in this fourme. The Earle from hencefoorth will ney|ther obey citation nor other commaundement. Beſyde this, in the ſame writings, they charged the King with many haynous crymes, callyng hym a murtherer, periured, falſe, and a bloudſuc|ker. The King therefore aſſembled an army, and went foorth againſte them: but bycauſe the tyme of the yeere was contrary to his purpoſe, he could do no great hurt to his enimies, althogh he burnt vp their corne, and droue away their cattell: But the Dowglas ſeemed to paſſe little for the kings malice,The Earle of Dowglas ma| [...]th his bro|thers wife. and the Earle himſelfe married his bro|thers wife the Counteſſe Beatrice, and ſente to Rome for a licence to haue that marriage made lawfull: but by the Kings agents in that Court the Earles ſuite might not be obteyned. Neuer|theleſſe, hee kepte hir ſtill in place of his wife, and continuing in Rebellion againſte the King, the nexte ſpring, and for the more part of the whole tearme of two yeeres nexte enſewing, he harried and ſpoyled the Kings poſſeſſions, and the King on the other part, waſted Annandale, and all o|ther the landes and poſſeſſions that belonged to the ſayde Earle of Dowglas or his friendes: but ſhortly after, as the King paſſed through Angus, to goe into the Northe partes of the Realme, the Earle of Crawford came and ſubmitted himſelfe vnto him,The Earle of Cra [...]ford ſub| [...]eth hym|ſelfe to the [...], and is [...]oned. crauing mercy in moſt humble and la|mentable wiſe, and obteyned the Kings pardon, through mediation of Iames Kenedie Biſhop of Saint Androwes, and ſir William Creichton, but the ſaide Earle lyued not paſt ſixe monethes after,He departed [...] life, 1454 Parliament. departing this life by force of a hote Agewe in the yeere .1454. The ſame yeere, the King cal|led a Parliament at Edynburgh, in the whyche Iames Earle of Dowglas, and his brothers wife the Counteſſe Beatrice (whome hee hadde taken to him by way of a pretenſed and fayned mariage) Archbald Dowglas, Erle of Murrey, George Dowglas Earle of Ormont, and Iohn Dowglas Baron of Baluay, were forfalted and condẽned of Treaſon.The Dowglaſ|ſes forfalted, or as I may ſay atteynted. The Earledome of Mur|rey was giuen vnto ſir Iames Creichton, or ra|ther reſtored to him, frõ whome it had bin wrõg|ly taken by the vniuſt ſentence of William Erle of Dowglas, who had procured it to be aſſigned vnto his brother the foreſaide Archebalde, al|though the right remayned in the ſayd ſir Iames Creichton. But yet when the ſayd Sir Iames Creichton could not kepe that Earledome with|out enuy of diuers and ſundry perſons, hee han|dled the matter ſo, that ſhortly after it returned a|gayn to the kings hands. Moreouer,Creations of noble men. at this Par|liamente, George Creichton was created Earle of Cathnes, William Hay Coneſtable of Scot|lãd, was made Earle of E [...]alle. Ther were alſo diuers erected Lordes of the Parliamente, whoſe titles were as folow, Darley, Halis, Boyd, Lyle, and Lorn. After the breaking vp of the Parlia|ment, the King made a iourney againſt his ad|uerſaries into Galloway, and with ſmall [...]doe, broughte all the Caſtels of that Countrey into his poſſeſſion,Dowglas dale giuẽ in ſpoile to the men of warre. and then turning into Dowglas dale bycauſe the inhabitants thereof woulde not obey him, hee abandoned the ſpoyle thereof vnto his ſouldiers, who practiſed no ſmall crueltie a|gainſt the inhabitants. Herevpon, ye Dowglaſſes beeing driuen to their ſhiftes, the Lorde Iames Hamilton of Cadȝow was ſente from them into England to fewe for ayde, but in vayne, for none there would be graunted: wherevpon, returnyng to his friendes, he counſelled the Earle of Dow|glas to truſt to his owne forces, and ſith the ſame were farre ſuperior in number of men, to ye kings power, he gaue likewiſe councell without delay,The counſell of the Lorde Hamylton. to ſet vpon the King, that the matter mighte bee tryed by chaunce of battell, the only meane to aſ|ſure them of their liues and eſtates, for otherwiſe he ſaw not how any vnfayned agreement might bee concluded, the matter beeing nowe paſſed ſo farfoorth to an extremity.Io. Maior. But ye Earle of Dow|glas vtterly (as ſome write) refuſed to fight a|gainſt his ſoueraigne and true liege Lord, if any other meane might be founde: wherevpon dyuers great Lordes whiche were with him there on his ſide, being men of greate witte and no leſſe expe|rience, aduiſed him yet to keepe togither his hoſt, till by their trauell and aſſiſtaunce, a peace were concluded and pardon obtayned for all partes: for if the army were once broken vp, all hope was then paſt (as they alledged) for any indifferente conditions of peace to be obtayned.