[1] Hector Boetius writeth,Cullace of Bannamwin betrayeth the Erle of Craw|ford. that Iohn Cullace of Bannamwin, whom the Erle of Crawford had appointed to lead thẽ that bare ye battail Axes, or as I may terme them, the Bilmen, in the left wing of his armie, fled of purpoſe in the hoteſt of the fight, and ſo left the middle ward naked on the one ſide of the chiefeſt ayde yt the ſaid Erle had, & ſo the victorie by that meanes only inclined to the kings ſtandard,The Earle of Huntley victore [...]. which the Earle of Huntley had there with him. But howſoeuer it was, the ſayd Erle of Huntley had the honor of the fielde, who neuertheleſſe, loſt diuerſe of his men alſo, though nothing ſo many as his aduerſaries did.