[1] The Erle of Dowglas hauing concluded this bond of confederacie, b [...]re himſelfe very highe,The Earle of Dowglas pre|ſometh of the aſsiſtance at the handes of his friendes. in preſuming further therof than ſtood with reaſon: and this was one great cauſe of the kings diſplea|ſure nowe paſſingly increaſed agaynſt the ſayde Erle. An other cauſe was this:The Lorde Herres his lands ſpoyled. a ſort of theeues and robbers brake into the landes of the Lorde Iohn Herres, a noble man, and one that had con|tinued euer faythfull to the king, taking with thẽ out of the ſame landes a great bootie of Cattell. And whereas the ſayde Lord [...] Herres complay|ned vnto the Earle of Dowglas of that wrong, bycauſe the offendours were inhabyting within his row [...]th, and yet coulde haue no redreſſe, he attempted to fetche oute of Annardale, ſome praye, wherewith to ſatiſfie in parte the wrong which had bene offred him by thoſe lymmers and robbers. But ſuch was his euil happe, that taken he was with his retinue, and committed to pry|ſon, and ſhortly after by commaundement of the Earle of Dowglas, he was hanged as a fellon,The Lorde Herres hanged notwithſtanding that the king by an Herald cõ|maunded the contrarie.