[1] The Earle of Ormonte on the other ſyde ordered his battailes in this wiſe: He appointed a right valiant knight called Wallace of Craggy,Wallace of Craggy. with an hardie number of ſouldiers to encounter with Magnus. And agaynſt the Welchmen he placed the Lord Maxwel, & Lard Iohnſton, with a choſen cõpanie of luſtie Scottiſh men, and cõ|maunding himſelf in the battail or middle ward, had vneth ſet his people in aray, when the trum|pets in the Engliſh armie began to ſounde to the battaile.The Earle of Ormont ex|horteth his armie. He therfore exhorting his men to do va|liantly, put them in remembrance that they had put on armor, being thereto prouoked by iniu [...] which their enimies had firſt offred them, where|vpon they might conceiue good hope of victory by the fauour of the righteous God, who giueth the vpper hãd (for the moſt part) to that ſide that hath iuſt cauſe to make warre. He willed them then to put all feare out of their heartes, and as they had force ynough to vãquiſh their enimies that came thus to brag & threaten them with vtter deſtruc|tion: ſo he beſought them to ſhewe no leſſe man|like ſtomacks to deliuer theyr countrey by hardie fight from iniurie of the ſame enimies.