[1] The Scottes hearing of the approch of thys armie towarde theyr borders,The Earle of Ormont gene|ral of the Scot|tiſh armie. leuyed a power: Georg, or rather Hugh Dowglas Earle of Or|mont by the kings commiſſion, hauing the con|duction thereof, who vnderſtanding that the eni|mies woulde enter into Anna [...]dale, drew thither with the ſayd army to reſiſt their attempts.The Engliſh armie inua|deth Scotland. The Engliſh men paſſing ouer the riuer of Sulwey & Anna [...]de, came to another riuer called Sarc, and there pight downe their tentes. And on the next day they began to robbe and ſpoyle the countrey on eche ſyde: but aduertiſed that the Scots were at hande with an army, they that were thus gone forth, were with all ſpeede called barke to the campe by ſounde of trumpet, and forthwith theyr army was brought into order [...]f battail. Magnus with the red mane was appoynted to leade the [page 390] right wing,Sir Iohn Pen+ [...]eynton. and ſir Iohn Penneynton a right ſkilfull warriour gouerned the left wing in the which the Welchmen were placed. The bat|taile or middle warde, the Earle of Northum|berlande himſelfe ruled.