[1] Who likewiſe reporteth that the occaſion of thys battayle dyd chaunce through the vary|aunce that fell ou [...]e betwixt the Earle of Craw|fordes eldeſt ſonne Alexander Lyndſey, and A|lexander Ogilbye, or Ogiluie, (as ſome write him) aboute the office of the Balifewike of Ar|broth, the which the Maiſter of Crawforde en|ioying, was diſplaced and put out by the ſayde Ogiluie. Wherevpon the Maiſter of Crawforde to recouer his right (as he tooke it) got a power to|gither with helpe of the Hamiltons, and with the ſame ſeaſed vpon the Abbay, and Ogiluie with helpe of the Erle of Huntly, came thither with an armie to recouer the place againe out of his ad|uerſaries handes, and ſo vpon knowledge hereof gyuen vnto the Earle of Crawforde, he himſelfe comming from Dundee vnto Arbroth at the ve|ry inſtant when the battails were readie to ioyne, cauſed firſt his ſonne to ſtay, & after calling forth ſir Alexander Ogiluie to talke with him in pur|poſe to haue made peace betwixt him & his ſonne, was thruſt into the mouth with a ſpeare, by a cõ|mon ſouldier that knewe nothing what his de|maundment, ſo that he fel downe therewith, and preſently died in the place: whervpon togither the parties went incõtinently without more protrac|ting of time, and ſo fought with ſuch ſucceſſe as before ye haue heard. The Erle of Huntley eſca|ped by flight: but Alexander Ogiluie being taken and ſore wounded, was led to the caſtel of Finel|uin, where ſhortly after he died of his hurtes.