[1] Robert Ste|ward and Ro|bert Graham murtherers of the king.Herevpon the ſayde Stewarde and Graham came one Euening to the blacke Friers of Perth where the king as then was lodged, and by ly|cence of the Porters comming into the houſe, entred vp into the Gallerie before the kings chã|ber doore, mynding to haue ſtayed there till one of the kings ſeruants that was priuie to their di|ueliſh purpoſe ſhould come, by whoſe helpe they were promiſed to haue entrie into the Chamber. But before the comming of this Iudaſlike tray|tor, an other of the kings ſeruants named Wal|ter Strayton came forth of the chamber doore to haue fetched wine for the king:Walter Stray|ton is ſlaine. but being aduiſed of theſe two traytors ſtanding there at the doore, either of them hauing a long ſworde gyrded to him, he ſtept backe, and cried treaſon: but ere hee could get within the doore to haue made it faſt, they leapt vnto him, and ſlue him there outright.